PBS Pula

Morena Poglajen Carić

PBS Pula

“Thirteen years have passed since the first contact with the Body technique. Discovering, learning about the human body, movement, mind, soul and the power of the hidden universe that each being carries within, develops and manifests in a unique way through its posture, movement, and emotions - this is the Body technique, its philosophy and method of exercise brought to me personally and much more to all to whom I convey it in my work. I am grateful for the moment of the decision to leave my business journey to her. It is more of a whole life's wonderful and exciting journey that always rediscovers and brings experiences and knowledge that are ahead of today's time, allows that time at work is not work but a challenge, passion, and joy."


Morena is a nurse by profession. From an early age, she shared her love for the health profession with her passion for dance, which she actively practiced and taught in Pula and Pazin. In 1995, she discovered the world of fitness, which connected all her interests with her love of the body, exercise and health care. After twelve years of experience and training as a fitness trainer, in 2004 she opened the Sunset Center in Pula.

Due to changing trends in recreational exercise programs, the primary goal of recreational activity, which is to improve and preserve health, is often neglected or completely lost. Therefore, Morena's meeting with Ana-Marija Jagodić Rukavina and Body technique was a real discovery. The combination of knowledge, exercise techniques that affects all levels of health fitness, creativity and the need for continuous training of body instructors, initiated the opening of the PBS Centre of Sports Excellence in Pula in 2007.

PBS Pula is open every working day from 7 am to 10 pm and on Saturdays by appointment. It adapts to the trainees and their needs and offers the following programs:
• exercise in small and controlled groups of different intensities
• individual trainings, in pairs or small groups of up to four participants for all health problems, health improvement or better controlled recreational approach to exercise
• manipulative-passive relaxation program
specialized programs for incontinence problems, overweight, pregnant women, children, pain relief

PBS Rijeka

Kristina Stanić Pliskovac

PBS Rijeka

“Pokret me čini svojom i živom. Do te spoznaje sam došla kada sam prvi
puta osijetila što Body tehnika čini mome tijelu. Njezina filozofija je toliko
ljekovita na svim razinama bića…obožavam taj osjećaj!!!
Zahvalna sam što imam priliku raditi s ljudima, učiti zajedno s njima, pratiti ih na
putu ka pobuđenosti i untrašnjem razumijevanju tijela.”

Kristina Stanić Pliskovac (fizioterapeutski tehničar) rođena je 24.04.1981. Neposredno nakon završenog pripravničkog staža osjetila je da nešto nedostaje u načinu rada koji je tada primjenjivala. Upisom u KUBT krenulo je jedno kvalitetnije, doboko i osvještenije putovanje. Osjećaj životnosti koji je imala dok se bavila sportom u djetinjstvu povratio se uz Body tehniku. 2008g. je otvorila studio u Rijeci gdje je prenosila filozofiju Body tehnike, a od 2019. je postala dio PBS tima.

PBS CENTAR Rijeka otvoren je svaki dan od 8-21 te subotom po dogovoru. Prilagođava se vježbačima i njihovim potrebama te nudi slijedeće programe:

  • vježbanje u malim grupama različitih intenziteta, najviše 7 vježbača
  • individualni treninzi, trenizi u paru za rekreativnu populaciju i osobe s mišićno koštanim teškoćama
  • program manipulativno-pasivnog opuštanja
  • specijalizirani programi za probleme inkontinencije, prekomjernu tjelesnu težinu, trudnice, djecu, otklanjanje boli
  • masaže i tretmani tijela

Due to changing trends in recreational exercise programs, the primary goal of recreational activity, which is to improve and preserve health, is often neglected or completely lost. Therefore, Morena's meeting with Ana-Marija Jagodić Rukavina and Body technique was a real discovery. The combination of knowledge, exercise techniques that affects all levels of health fitness, creativity and the need for continuous training of body instructors, initiated the opening of the PBS Centre of Sports Excellence in Pula in 2007.

PBS Pula is open every working day from 7 am to 10 pm and on Saturdays by appointment. It adapts to the trainees and their needs and offers the following programs:
• exercise in small and controlled groups of different intensities
• individual trainings, in pairs or small groups of up to four participants for all health problems, health improvement or better controlled recreational approach to exercise
• manipulative-passive relaxation program
specialized programs for incontinence problems, overweight, pregnant women, children, pain relief

PBS Hvar - summer destination

Ana-Marija Jagodić Rukavina

PBS Hvar

“Be aware with us, use the power of nature to regain your strength and start the processes of revitalization of the organism. Visit our site for more information and programs. ”


PBS summer camp is located on one of the 15 most beautiful beaches on the Adriatic. In the camp Grebišće in Jelsa. It is designed to regenerate, raise energy and heal the body from work obligations during the year. The body technique we offer is an original Croatian way of exercising that is registered and protected by the Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Croatia. It is practiced in Croatia, Slovenia, Greece, Italy, Austria and Serbia. We provide all services outdoors, by the sea and in the sea with various props and aids. Our intention is to bring you closer to yourself, ie the natural needs of your body in an environment of beautiful colors, smells, scenes and sounds. This is the best place and moment to finally do something for yourself and learn to breathe properly, relieve your spine from tension and pain, learn to relax and maybe even dance. All our contents are aimed at active or passive activation of vital energy and detoxification of the organism, which raises immunity and your working abilities. The results are immediately visible as soon as your posture shows because it is a reflection of your vitality.

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