General conditions of sale and use

This website contains information about the programs, products and services offered by the Institution for Adult Education Kinesiology Academy of body technique with its headquarters at: Jurkovićeva 19, 10000 Zagreb. Telephone number: +385 (01) 4621456. E-mail:

Adult Education Institution Kinesiology Academy of body technique makes reasonable efforts to keep the information on this site up to date and accurate. However, due to market dynamics and unpredictable situations, deviations of actual data from the data available on this website are possible.

The Adult Education Institution Kinesiology Academy of body technique cannot take responsibility for any damages caused by the use of information from this site for purposes that go beyond their intended purpose.

Through these websites, it is possible to purchase part of the programs, products, and services from the offer of the Adult Education Institution Kinesiology Academy of body technique. These terms of sale define the procedure of ordering, payment, delivery and return or complaint of goods offered on our website.

The Supplier (Seller) of the products offered on this website is the Institution for Adult Education Kinesiology Academy of body technique based at the address: Jurkovićeva 19, 10000 Zagreb, PIN: 38824657464, and the buyer of the goods is a visitor to the website who chooses at least one product and order it via the order form.

All prices on the website are expressed in HRK and include VAT.

Minors or completely incapable business persons cannot buy independently through the website, but their legal representative can buy on their behalf.

Products can be ordered via the order form on the website 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The seller will review the order and send the buyer an Order Confirmation for products that can be delivered immediately. If the Seller is not able to deliver all ordered products, it will notify the Buyer. The buyer can accept or cancel the delivery of ordered items that are not currently available for delivery.

The customer in the order should write his personal data (name, surname, address, telephone number) and the selected method of payment in order to meet the basic conditions for order administration.


The buyer will receive the order confirmation notification by e-mail. The order confirmation will list the products that are ready for delivery.

Payment for goods is made by debit and credit card, payment slip or internet banking. The Order Confirmation contains all the information you need to pay. You can pay by bank transfer or internet banking within two working days of receiving the Order Confirmation. We send the ordered goods only after the payment has been received.

Payment by Visa Premium card
- one-time
- possibility of payment in several instalments

Terms for card payment:
Above HRK 500.00 - 2 instalments
Above HRK 1,000.00 - 3 instalments
Above HRK 1,500.00 - 4 instalments
Above HRK 2,000.00 - 5 instalments
Above HRK 2,500.00 - 6 instalments

VISA card payment
- one-time

Payment by Diners Club International card
- one-time

100% secure card payment
Look Report on the security of online shopping

If the Buyer makes a purchase of at least HRK 300.00, we will send the purchased products free of charge within the Republic of Croatia to the address!
Delivery usually arrives within 14 days. The maximum delivery time is 15 days from the moment of confirmation of the availability of the item.
Ordered goods, in case the size does not match, you can exchange for a smaller or larger number by replying to the e-mail confirmation of the order or by contacting the e-mail address:

The amount of postage for orders below HRK 300.00 is HRK 25.00 for deliveries within the Republic of Croatia.

When taking over the goods, the Buyer is obliged to check for any damage and immediately report it to the delivery person who delivered the goods and refuse to take over the shipment on which external damage is visible.


Given the current situation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, replacement and returns are only possible by sending by mail (HP) to:
Institution for adult education Kinesiology Academy of body technique (for webshop) Jurkovićeva 19, 10000 Zagreb

It is necessary to state whether it is a refund or replacement, and provide the necessary details and inform us about it by e-mail:

The buyer has the right to return / complaint the received products within 14 days of receiving the package. Complaints are received in writing to e-mail: or to the address Institution for adult education Kinesiology Academy of body technique (for webshop) Jurkovićeva 19, 10000 Zagreb

In order for the buyer to be able to unilaterally terminate the contract of sale, he must inform the Adult Education Institution Kinesiology Academy of body technique of his decision to unilaterally terminate the contract before the expiration of the term by an unequivocal statement sent by mail, fax or e-mail. your name, address, telephone, fax or e-mail address.

The statement on unilateral termination of the contract can be submitted by the buyer to the Institution for Adult Education Kinesiology Academy of body technique via the attached form for unilateral termination of the contract. Form for unilateral termination of the contract of sale. The statement on unilateral termination of the contract can be submitted by the Buyer via the form of the Institution for Adult Education Kinesiology Academy of body technique, which is located on the website in a way that it is filled in and sent electronically. Acknowledgment of receipt of the statement on unilateral termination of the contract by the Institution for Adult Education Kinesiology Academy of body technique will be delivered to the Buyer without delay, by e-mail.

The deadline for unilateral termination is 14 days from the day when the goods that are the subject of the contract were handed over to the Buyer or a third party designated by the Buyer, who is not the carrier. If the Customer has ordered several pieces of goods delivered separately in one order, the deadline for unilateral termination runs from the day when the last piece or the last shipment of goods is handed over to the Buyer or a third party designated by the Buyer, who is not the carrier.

If the Buyer unilaterally terminates the sales contract, he undertakes to refund the received purchase price within 14 days of receiving the statement of unilateral termination, and after the Buyer returns the purchased goods. In case of unilateral termination of the contract, the Buyer is obliged to return the purchased goods no later than 14 days from sending the statement on unilateral termination of the contract to the Adult Education Institution Kinesiology Academy of body technique.

The refund will be made in the same way as the price payment. In the event that the Buyer agrees in another way to a refund of the amount paid, he will not bear any costs in relation to the refund.

The buyer is responsible for any impairment of the goods resulting from the handling of the goods, other than that which was necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and functionality of the goods.

When returning the goods and resending the same product, delivery is paid by the Buyer regardless of the amount of the order.


Adult Education Institution Kinesiology Academy of body technique is responsible for material defects of goods sold in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Obligations Act.


Privacy Policy describes how the Adult Education Institution Kinesiology Academy of body technique handles your personal data that it receives while using the webshop. Personal identification data includes your identification data: name and surname, e-mail address, home address and telephone number, or data that are not otherwise publicly available, and which the Adult Education Institution Kinesiology Academy of body technique learns about when purchasing products from the website Adult Education Institution Kinesiology Academy of body technique undertakes to use your personal data only for identification purposes when updating and sending the order. The Adult Education Institution Kinesiology Academy of body technique will keep your personal data confidential and will not distribute, publish, make it available to third parties or otherwise make it available to any third party without your prior consent.


Form for unilateral termination of the contract of sale

For all questions you can contact us at the e-mail address:

Conditions for attending the Personalised online program for raising awareness and health

The Academy undertakes to implement a Personalised online program for raising awareness and health (hereinafter: the Program) that lasts 9 (nine) weeks, includes 28 (twenty-eight) guided hours (individual hours and small groups of other participants - via Zoom) and about 60 (sixty) hours of independent work under the supervision, analysis and correction of the expert program manager. The program is implemented under the expert guidance of Ms. Ana-Marija Jagodić Rukavina, Master of Kinesiology, innovator of Body technique and holistic body expert.

The Program includes individually tailored and interconnected modules, and some of the features of the Program are:
- exercise according to the philosophy of Body technique;
- conscious and optimal nutrition according to the metabolic type of participants;
- emotional cleansing and maturation;
- gradual changes in bad beliefs and life habits;
- work on organic systems (respiratory, neurological, lymphatic, hormonal);
- energetic work to trigger the vital energy of the body and unlock bodily wisdom;
- it is applied and performed after a thoroughly analysed psychophysical condition and the health status of the participants, in accordance with the health matrix;
- requires a lot of concentrated, self-research and introspective work in all segments of life;
- is intended for men and women who want to prevent disease, reduce the existing problems they live with every day, be fulfilled and free from their beliefs and inherited life programs and simply feel great and show it in life;
- at the end of the program, the final testing, analysis of changes is carried out and instructions are given for independent continuation with further monitoring activities.

The User undertakes to pay the University a fee for attending the Program (hereinafter: the Fee). For attending the Program that starts until June 1, 2020, the Fee is HRK 5,500.00, and after that HRK 8,600.00. Prior to the start of the Program, the User is obliged to pay an advance in the amount of [*], and the remaining amount no later than [*].

To monitor, access and use the potential of the Program, it is necessary that the User:
- provide conditions for monitoring the Program through online communication;
- ensures the receipt of working materials (questionnaires, lectures, assignments) by e-mail;
- ensure the use of required literature: the book "Body Technique - Learn to Listen to Your Body";
- provide 2 (two) hours of daily isolated work in a quiet area, without people, with natural light and fresh air;
- provide two blank medium or large notebooks, pens, ballpoint pens and crayons;
- provides a solid chair without backrest, a stick, small balls and / or a larger ball, a weight, an elastic band, a hot water bottle, brushes, a blender / juicer.

The Beneficiary is aware that the Program Manager is not a doctor or nutritionist, that he has not graduated from medical school or obtained the title of doctor of medicine, and that the Academy is not a health institution within which medical activities are performed. The Beneficiary is aware that all actions and statements of the Academy / Program Manager given within the Program are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for medical examinations, advice, diagnostics, rehabilitation or in general to visit a doctor. Among other things, the Academy declares, and the User confirms that he is aware and that he accepts the following at his own risk:
- that the Program is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnoses, examinations, treatment, rehabilitation, or for other medical activities performed only by qualified physicians;
- that due to the information received within the Program, the Beneficiary must not ignore the advice or diagnosis of the doctor or postpone the visit to the doctor;
- that the answers to the User's inquiry and the statements of the Academy / Program Manager serve exclusively for informational purposes and are not a substitute for diagnosis, therapy or doctor's advice;
- that the statements or advice of the Academy / Program Manager cannot and will not be considered an attempt to perform medical activities;
- as part of the Program, Beneficiaries independently perform sometimes very demanding physical exercises which, depending on the intensity of the exercise, the manner of performance, physical and health fitness of the Beneficiary, can lead to sprains, cracks or other injuries;
- that the Program is not intended for persons with psychiatric diagnoses and mental illnesses;
- that within the Program Beneficiaries work on energy and spiritual development, which due to the mental and emotional state of the Beneficiary and other individual circumstances can lead to emotional and mental states of anxiety or injury.

The User confirms that he is familiar with the Program and the risks arising from the Program and that he participates in the Program at his own risk. The User confirms that he is able to follow the Program and that there are no health problems that would make participation in the Program difficult or dangerous. If any damage occurs to the User as a result of attending the Program, the User assumes full responsibility for all damage. By accepting these conditions, the User confirms that all liability of the Academy / Program Manager for damage caused to the User as part of or due to attending / using the Program is excluded.

The User agrees that his personal data (name and surname, PIN and email) are used for the purpose of contracting, accessing and attending the Program. The user is familiar with the following:
that the head of personal data processing is the Kinesiology Academy of body technique, Zagreb, Croatia and that his email address and telephone number are as follows: and +385 (0) 1 4621 456;
that the legal basis for the processing of personal data is that the processing is necessary for the performance of the contract to which the User is a party;
that the Academy will keep personal data stored as long as it is necessary for the implementation of the Program, ie as long as there are legitimate business interests of the controller or until it is asked to delete them;
to have the right to request access to personal data from the Academy and to correct or delete personal data or to restrict processing, as well as to have the right to object to the processing performed by the controller and the right to data portability; and
that he has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority regarding the processing of personal data.

The User undertakes to use the materials obtained under the Program only for personal and non-commercial use in compliance with the copyright and conditions. The Academy retains all copyrights over the contents made available to the User for the purposes of attending the Program. The use and publication of materials for commercial and other purposes is possible only with the written permission of the Academy. All materials obtained under the Program are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or therapy.

General conditions of sale, enrolment and attendance


 1) General conditions of the Agreement on attending classes (training or specialisation programs or education programs) are mandatory for signatories of the contract in terms of the provisions of the Law on Obligations, the Law on Adult Education, the Law on Electronic Commerce, the Law on Electronic Communications, the Law on Consumer Protection and the Law on Personal Data Protection, and other regulations related to adult education.

2) The student confirms the truthfulness and correctness of all the above data and is informed that based on the same data will be introduced in the andragogical documentation and that in terms of the Personal Data Protection Act, gives permission to the Academy to collect and process personal data and agrees to receive notifications. news and actions until the same is canceled in writing; allows the submission of necessary data to service providers that are necessary for the implementation of the enrolled education program such as: accommodation of the WEB site, various Internet services, and the like.

3) Any change in the Student's data specified in the Agreement on attendance and related documents whose copies the Student is obliged to submit to the Academy, the Student undertakes to notify the Academy during the Contract in writing or by e-mail, otherwise occurs using incorrect data.

4) By signing the Agreement on attending classes, the student is informed that he enrolls in the entire education program consisting of individual seminars / modules, ie that the subject of the agreement is the education program as an inseparable whole in terms of rights and obligations, especially payments. education program.

5) The provisions defining deadlines in days shall begin on the first day after the event from which the deadline is calculated, and shall end on the expiration of the last day of the deadline. If the last day of the deadline falls on the day when the law stipulates that no work is done (holidays, public holidays), the next working day is counted as the last day of the deadline.

6) By signing the Agreement and accepting these General Terms and Conditions, the Student confirms that he is aware that the Academy has formed groups of students with the optimal number of students in accordance with applicable educational standards and hired third parties to provide services subject to the Agreement and these General Terms and Conditions and attend classes regularly.

7) By using the website and all other related pages, subdomains and services (hereinafter referred to as the Academy website), it is considered that the Student is familiar with these General Terms of Sale, Enrolment and Attendance and accepts them.

8) In case of termination of the Academy, and during the time when the student attends classes or within one year from the date of classes, the University undertakes to implement all provisions of the Agreement or execute it to the end or refund the total amount paid for the enrolled education program , which is interrupted due to the termination of the institution, to which the Participant is entitled, but is not entitled to compensation for any damage.

9) The Academy removes responsibility for all disputes that may arise due to the fact that the Student has not read the General Terms of Sale, Enrolment and Attendance, or in case the Student has not fulfilled its obligation in accordance with the express statement of the contract with the Academy or requests to use the services of the Academy.


1) By signing the Agreement and accepting the General Terms and Conditions of Sale, Enrolment and Attendance, the student undertakes to pay the total tuition for the education program in banknotes, credit / debit card, or transaction account, or that the tuition fee will be paid by the legal or natural person who agreed. bear the cost of tuition for the Student, and the price stated in the Contract is valid for the selected and specified method of payment and in case of change of method of payment is changed in accordance with the price list of the Academy.

2) Instalments can be paid using credit / debit cards in accordance with the official price list of the Academy. Payment in cash and / or cash instalments is not possible.

3) The student may, if so agreed with the Academy, make payments modularly, or immediately before each module of the education program at the prices of the official price list for each module.

4) The total price of education programs (specified in the contract) and individual instalments is expressed in HRK. 5) In case the Student has chosen both enrolment and payment via the Academy's website, the purchase of services is realised within the organised system of selling or providing the service without the simultaneous physical presence of the Academy's and Student's representatives in one place. Uses only one or more means of remote communication including the academy website.).

 6) In the case of purchases outside the business premises between the Student and the Academy, the contract is concluded when the Academy accepts and submits to the Student a confirmation of acceptance of the order.

 7) In case of purchasing the service remotely, the Academy will submit to the Student the Terms of sale, enrolment and attendance, and confirmation of the contract in writing or at the express request of the Student, on another durable medium to e-mail or address specified as contact when entering your order / submitting a request. Distance purchases and purchases outside business premises and the provision of services can be made only in the territory of the Republic of Croatia, which also implies the delivery of services and materials exclusively in the territory of the Republic of Croatia. The school does not bear any responsibility for any action contrary to this provision.

8) The student is aware and accepts that the Academy has no obligation to accept the order / request if it deviates in any way from these conditions of sale, enrolment and attendance of education programs and any other conditions of ordering or buying published on the website of the Academy.

9) The academy reserves the right to terminate the contract in case of late payment, failure to sign the contract of attendance or inability to collect tuition.

 10) The student pays the tuition fee based on the price valid on the day of enrolment and signing the Agreement on attending classes, and has no right to claim a refund of the amount and / or part of the tuition fee referring to promotions or discounts that no longer last and / or are not current at the time of enrolment. or take place after enrolment. By signing the Contract, the Participant accepted the price stated in the contract and that the Academy charged him the same amount.

11) The Academy is not responsible for the costs of telephone, internet traffic or any other costs that may occur when ordering / submitting a request or browsing / searching the website of the Academy, nor is it liable for any damage that may occur due to disconnection of the Internet connection while online shopping.

 12) The Academy is in no way responsible for the relationship between the Student and the card bank and does not guarantee or be responsible for the success of the purchase process in cases where it depends on the provision of services that the Academy does not directly control.

 13) The academy will ensure the correct, and uninterrupted provision of services. The academy is not responsible for interference caused by force majeure. The academy is not responsible for interference and poor signal transmission quality or inability to transmit signal for the service-e that occurred due to the Student using inappropriate or faulty equipment, and / or not connecting or installing it properly, and / or acting contrary to the instructions of the Academy.


 1) Upon enrollment, the student undertakes to submit to the Academy evidence of meeting the conditions of enrollment prescribed by the curriculum or submit copies: ID card or passport, birth certificate and certificate or diploma of the highest school or faculty. 2) By signing the Contract, the Student confirms that he is familiar with the prescribed conditions for enrollment in the education program and if the Academy subsequently inspects the documentation that the Student does not have appropriate conditions for enrollment in the already started education program will not be able to issue a public document. damages or refunds paid for tuition fees and is obliged to pay the total amount of tuition. 3) The right to enroll in the education program has a student with previous minimum education / conditions according to the specification as follows; High School: Body instructor training program.


  1. Classes consist of lectures determined by the schedule of the Academy and exercises in accordance with the curriculum.

2) In the event of a planned absence, the Student may submit to the Academy a request for suspension of education and related rights of the Student from the contract of attendance. The Academy will respond to the request no later than 15 days from the date of receipt of the request. In the case of a positive response from the Academy, the Student has all rights other than the cost of tuition and / or tuition fees that cannot be frozen and which fall due for payment according to the agreed dynamics. The suspension of schooling and the related rights of the Participants from the Agreement on attending classes, begins on the day of the decision on suspension. In the event that the student submits a request for suspension of schooling one month before the expiration of the total duration of education (which is 1 (one) year from the date of the beginning of classes), the Academy reserves the right to issue a negative answer.

3) At the moment when the Student wants to continue his / her education, ie to terminate the suspension of education, he / she is obliged to submit a request to the Academy to continue his / her education with payment of the request processing costs in the amount of HRK 250.00. 15 days from the date of receipt of the request.

4) The total duration of education is a maximum of 18 (months) from the beginning of classes. A student who does not successfully master the education program with all its components within the specified period, ie does not acquire the right to issue a certificate, is considered expelled, and thus all obligations of the Academy towards him cease. The student has the opportunity to submit a request for extension of the deadline for completion of the education program with the payment of the costs of processing the request in the amount of HRK 250.00. The Academy will respond to the request within no more than 15 days from the date of receipt of a valid request.

 5) The student confirms that the obtained literature, materials, examples and exercises will not be distributed, reproduced, copied, presented or in any other way made publicly available as they represent the copyright and intellectual property of the Academy. In the case of the above procedures, the University will terminate the Agreement on attending classes with the Student and initiate a procedure for compensation of damages.

6) The student gives consent to the Academy for the use and reproduction of all materials created during the teaching process (websites, photographs, negatives, drawings, documents, etc.) for the purpose of promotional activities of the Academy or other legal or natural person authorised by the Academy, without prohibitions and compensation in favour of the Participant, his representative or a third party. All materials in digital, printed and / or any other form, created during the teaching process of the educational program constitute exclusively and completely the property of the Academy and the Student undertakes, if requested by an authorised person of the Academy, to submit all materials in digital or other form. The Academy has the right to reproduce, modify, use the mentioned materials for any promotional or other purposes, show them on the Internet or television, sell or give them to any natural or legal person, or make them publicly available, and the Student has no right to charge or employees and / or associates of the Academy and / or other legal or natural persons associated with the Academy for any liability or compensation arising from the use of the said materials.

7) When using any resources made available to the Student by the Academy such as: e-mail address, web space, access to the portal, Intranet, e-learning system, etc., the Student undertakes to take appropriate measures to protect against unauthorised disclosure and use of access data, such as the username and password, obtained from the Academy and / or from the Service Provider. Otherwise, the student is responsible for all potential damage and undertakes that all electronic documents stored on the resources made available by the Academy and / or Service Provider will be directly related to the purpose of the resources in order to conduct the teaching process.

 8) The Student agrees that the Academy and / or the Service Provider has the right to temporarily restrict or deny access to services and resources if it finds that the Student has used them for illicit purposes such as infringement and / or incitement to infringe copyright and related rights, patents, trademarks, And similar.


1) Upon successful completion of the program and regulated by all conditions prescribed by the curriculum, ie submitted all necessary documentation, signed contract of attendance, attended all scheduled classes, passed all prescribed partial exams within the enrolled education program, submitted and correctly graded seminar and passed the final exam, as well as settled all possible debts or paid the full amount of tuition and if the curriculum provides, the student acquires the right to issue a final public document: training certificates.

2) The student issues a certificate of application through an online application or in another way determined by the Academy. The school will, within no more than 30 days from the day of submitting the online application, prepare a certificate and inform the Student about it in person, by calling the phone or mobile phone, SMS or e-mail. The Academy delivers the certificate to the student at the address left when submitting the online application for the issuance of the certificate. If the certificate is returned to the Academy as not received, the Student takes over the cost of re-delivery according to the official price list of the Academy.

3) In case of non-satisfaction of any of the stated conditions, and especially the regulation of the payment of the entire amount of tuition, the Certificate and / or certificate / s will not be issued to the Participant until the mentioned reason is eliminated.


 1) The Academy is not responsible for any information not transferred to the Student in case of attempted but unsuccessful communication with the Student such as not answering the Student's phone, not responding to e-mails, SMS messages and the like.

2) By signing these General Terms and Conditions, the Student undertakes to behave correctly in the Academy and adhere to the house rules and rules of conduct depending on the activity that the Student attends (classes, exams, exercises…), respect the achievements of civilisation in the form of clothing, hygiene, treatment of employees and other students and that the inventory of the Academy will be treated with the attention of a good master, otherwise he agrees to bear material and misdemeanour liability. The Participant also undertakes that his / her actions will not hinder the uninterrupted teaching of the educational program and interfere with other Participants and / or endanger their rights. 3) The Academy has the right to terminate the contract with the Student and remove and / or exclude him from classes and / or other activities of the Academy in case it interferes with teaching and / or other activities, endangers the safety of employees and / or other students, insults employees and / or Attendees either do not adhere to any point of these general terms and conditions. In the event of removal and / or expulsion from classes resulting from a violation of the general conditions that form an integral part of the Agreement on Attendance, the student is not entitled to a refund of tuition fees or the right to compensation.

3) In case of need for clarification and / or interpretation of the provisions of the General Terms and Conditions, the Student confirms that the Academy, or the authorised person of the Academy is responsible for the interpretation of the same.

4) In case of an objection to any part of the business of the Academy, the Student has the right to submit a complaint in writing and submit it at the business premises of the Academy or send it by mail, fax or e-mail to the address of the Academy. The academy will respond to the complaint within 15 days of receiving the complaint. During the specified period, the student waives the mediation of any other person, court institution or giving information to the media, while otherwise the Academy will charge him for damages.

5) These General Terms and Conditions of Sale, Enrollment and Attendance are an integral and inseparable part of the contract of attendance and the Student confirms by signature that he is familiar with them, has read them and voluntarily accepts them. The Academy reserves the right to change these Terms at any time in accordance with the regulations and with prior notice and public announcement on the Academy's website.

6) In case of a dispute, the parties agree on the jurisdiction of the Municipal Court in Zagreb.

7) The contract is made in three identical copies, of which the Student keeps one, and the Academy two copies.

Adult education institution
Kinesiology Academy of body technique
Jurkovićeva 19, 10000 Zagreb.
Tel: +385 (01) 4621456

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