Instructors and therapists

Karlo Šimanović

Centre manager
Master Body instruktor

Master of Science in Kinesiology

Još kao apsolvent na Kineziološkom fakultetu na kojem se usmjerava na kineziterapiju, Karlo 2008.godine postaje kotačić u PBS-ovom stroju. Praktični rad u našem Centru omogućava mu dublje razumijevanje i povezivanje fizičkih i psihosocijalnih aspekata čovjeka, a svoju ambiciju i doprinos PBS timu temelji na individualnom radu s klijentima, dijagnostičko - rehabilitacijskom segmentu te na edukativnom planu u ulozi predavača na našem Učilištu. “Kontinuirani profesionalni rast i razvoj koji mi je omogućen u PBS Centru te sjajna radna atmosfera, razlozi su zbog kojih na posao uvijek dolazim s osmijehom”, kaže Karlo i dodaje: “Radi ono što voliš i nijedan dan nećeš ići na posao.”

Atja Begonja

Trainee for Master Body instructor
Master of Science in Kinesiology

Atja finds her love for the body and movement as a child, dancing. Over the years, through dance, she became more and more aware of the desire and need to work on the body and movement. Arriving to study in Zagreb, Body Technique opens a new perspective on body movement and observation, and since 2014, after passing the exam at the Kinesiology University, she has joined the PBS team. “Working on my body through the philosophy of Body Technique has given me back exactly the feeling I had while dancing, and now I can pass it on to clients through my work and help them dance in everyday life and their bodies, and, I hope soon as a lecturer, to pass on the philosophy of Body Technique and all the acquired experiences and knowledge to new generations of body instructors because growth and learning are everyday and continuous.”

Janja Glavina

Body instructor
dipl. ing. agronomije

She has been dancing since she was a child. She started with classical ballet, and through modern dance and jazz dance she stopped at oriental and tribal dances, which she still practices today. She began to pass on her love of dance to other people, and in 2006 she started working as a dance instructor. Having discovered Body Technique, Janja enrolled in the Kinesiology School of Body Technique and joined the PBS team upon completion.

Klaudija Čular

Body instructor

She is a medical technician by profession and has completed three years of dental school. After ten years of classical ballet, she replaced her childhood desire to become a ballerina with exercise and health care. With the greatest love for her son, love for dance and music; and typical Dalmatian communication, she successfully combined it into one - a Body instructor. Through his active work and selfless dedication, she successfully promotes our philosophy of active living.

Petra Crnetić

Body instructor
Sound and music therapy technician

Our Petra has always loved to train, and she fell in love with the Body technique "on the first training" which was held by Ana-Marija while she was still pregnant, and she wanted to enroll in the Kinesiology Academy and thus became a Body Instructor two years ago. As he has been dealing with sound for 20 years, of which 15 years. ran a commercial studio and was engaged in sound production, in 2012 together with Ana-Maria developed the first project as a new approach to movement in a combination of different sound frequencies for the purpose of psycho-physical and mental health called "Body Healing Story”.

Zdravka Škrinjar

Body instructor

After a long series of years spent in the corporate world, she decides to make a big change and directs her further path towards kinesiology. She has been dancing for many years, so she enriched her love for movement, sports and music with a diploma from the Kinesiology Academy of Body Technique, and in 2018 she joined the PBS team. She met the body technique a long time ago as an exerciser, and now she is proud to promote it as a Body instructor.

Dijana Ključanin


Dijana, with many years of experience in therapeutic massage, joins the PBS team by expanding its business to massages and body treatments. Working with different groups of athletes such as water polo players, swimmers, athletes and handball players, Dijana decided to join the work with the recreational population and became a full member of the centre in the summer of 2007.

Tomislav Štrk

Body instructor
Master of Science in Kinesiology

From an early age, Tomislav enjoys sports and active life, engaging in various sports such as athletics, taekwondo, but he is most satisfied with football and ice hockey. He joined the PBS team at the end of 2016, and describes the Body technique as follows: "It's the best way to exercise that a person has to try because it connects the mind and body at the same time." He enjoys working with positive people and looks forward to making progress with them.

Krešimir Schiel

Body instructor
Master of Science in Kinesiology

From an early age he was very active in many sports (gymnastics, swimming, handball, football). He complements his love of exercise by winning several university medals in various disciplines. During his studies, he actively plays football, which he directs. After graduation, Krešo worked for some time as a manager in a fitness centre with a recreational population. With the acquired experience and willingness to work with people, and the desire for new knowledge and skills, he joined PBS in the fall of 2013.


Maja Tomljenović

Body instructor
mag. ing. krajobrazne arhitekture

Iako naizgled fizički pokret i uređenje eksterijera ne idu zajedno, suština je slična i nadopunjujuća - težnja prirodnosti (bilo u pokretu, bilo u okolini koja nas okružuje) kao i njihov terapijski učinak (bilo pokreta, bilo prirode). Majino putovanje u otkrivanje fizičkog pokreta i njegovog pozitivnog učinka na cjelokupno psihofizičko stanje organizma krenulo je prije 15 godina kroz ples kojim se i danas aktivno bavi. Nakon brojnih edukacija u raznim plesnim stilovima (hip hop, jazz dance, latinoamerički plesovi, salsa) te državnih i međunarodnih natjecanja i osvojenih medalja u hip hop-u, Maja je odlučila nadograditi i produbiti svoje plesno iskustvo, prvo kao vježbačica Body tehnike, a potom i upisom na Kineziološko učilište Body tehnike. 2020. godine pridružuje se PBS timu gdje svoju ljubav prema flow pokretu i shvaćanju istoga kao terapijskog procesa nastoji prenijeti drugima. Sva načela funkcioniranja prirode vrijede i za ljudsko tijelo: strpljenje, proces, ciklusi. Crtanje rukom na papiru ili crtanje tijelom u prostoru kroz pokret, sve je to isto - materijalizacija naše unutarnje kreativne snage kojom ostavljamo autentični trag.


Gordana Novaković

Body instructor

Goga je cijeli život bila u sportu. Pokret i druženja njezina su sreća. Sport se protezao kroz sva njezina zanimanja u rekreaciji i turizmu. Body tehnika ju je oduševila jer je pokret bio primaran, a iza njega je otkrila cijeli svemir holističnog, podrške, kontakta koji je trening doveo na potpuno jednu novu razinu. Uživa u svojim kćerkicama i obitelji, a osmijeh joj mame ljudske priće.


Siniša Petrović

Body instructor

Izvorno druge struke (pravne), po prirodi vrlo doktrinarne i sedenetarne, bio je uvijek fasciniran sportom i kada bi opet mogao birati, pokušao bi biti kineziolog. Stoga će vam mozda baš njegova priča o svladavanju Body tehnike biti poticajna.

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